If you are in a hurry and want to know right away:
I chose Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush as the best brush for Poodles.
Anyway, I included some helpful information on the topic, so you may want to read my full article.
Because of their sportiness and intelligence, the Poodles are a favorite of many. This breed loves all kinds of exercise and is very easy to train. These dogs are easy to care for in almost every sense. They don’t really shed their hair, but that doesn’t mean they don’t require regular brushing. Their fur is coarse and wiry, which you definitely need to take time for. It matters what brush you choose for grooming. In my article, I have collected the best products you can use to brush your Poodle’s fur. With the help of a buying guide, you can also learn what aspects to consider when choosing.
Let’s start!
Product table for the best Poodle brushes
[wptb id=4674]What are the best brushes for Poodles?
In my article, I write about what types of brushes you should use if you have a Poodle. However, there are plenty of brands and the offer is very wide. This can easily make everyone insecure. Below I have selected the best brushes for Poodles. In the end, of course, I choose my favorite.
Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush
Ideal for dogs with thick coats like Poodles. If you have several types of dogs, be careful not to use this device on a dog that does not have such thick fur. This slicker brush is very easy to use. It works perfectly, and simply removes the mats. The grip is comfortable, so it doesn’t cause you any fatigue.
What I like best about this product is the self-cleaning. When you press a button, the pins retract. This way, you can easily throw loose and dead hair in the trash.
In short, it is a perfect product that is easy to use, effective, and thanks to its self-cleaning property, cleaning will not be a big problem either.
Safari Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush
This brush also proved to be quite effective. It allows you to gently handle mats and tangles. It is easy and convenient to use. Your catch is good. In short, in addition to the Hertzko slicker brush, this is another product that you should definitely consider.
You can choose from three sizes.
Andis Premium Large Pin Brush
At first, you might think you need to buy a pin brush next to the slicker brush.
However, this is not true. This tool also has its advantages.
You can handle knots with them, clean up dirt, and distribute natural oils. This pin brush has a simple but durable design.
The pins are tipped, so they won’t harm your Poodle’s skin or fur. Anyway, this product is cost-effective, so you don’t have to worry, you will need a lot of money if you want to buy this tool as well.
FURminator Long Hair deShedding Edge
You can buy the product in three sizes. You are sure to find the most ideal one for your dog. What’s really positive is that thanks to skin guards, the risk of injury is minimal.
By pressing the “Furejector” button, the fur can be removed. So this product also has a self-cleaning function. If you want a deshedding tool, be sure to consider Furminator.
Paws & Pals Deshedding Tool
The short rounded teeth are made of stainless steel so they are very durable. This tool is perfect for your Poodle, but you can actually use it on all kinds of coat types.
Rounded teeth mean that the risk of injury is minimal. Fortunately, the self-cleaning function is also present in this product. The handle is ergonomic and comfortable.
Due to its properties, this product is a very good alternative to the Furminator deshedding brush.
Safari De-Matting Dog Comb
This is a special comb. It allows you to easily find and remove mats. The sharp rake cuts through them in moments. All this without tugging.
This is good because the common problem with combs is that they pull on the hair while looking for mats and tangles in the coat. This product is a great solution to this problem.
Don’t worry about it because your teeth are long. Poodles have a fairly thick coat, so these teeth are just the ideal size. Plus, they’re a little supple, which guarantees they won’t tug your puppy’s hair.
In addition to the slicker brush and pin brush, this can be a great accessory tool.
Andis Steel Pet Comb
Of course, the list can only be complete if it also includes a comb with a classic design. The Andis Steel Comb is a great product to help you find tangles and mats in your Poodle’s coat.
The comb has two types of teeth. Starting with the wider one, you can prepare the area for the slicker brush great.
But you can also use this comb as a kind of checking. Once you’re done with the other brushes, you can look through your dog’s fur for any mats or tangles left there.
The handle of the comb is thick, making it much more comfortable than other combs on the market. In short, this tool is essential for those who often brush their Poodles.
My choice
As you can see, there are several types of grooming tools on my list. If you want to care for your Poodle the best way, you should get one of each type. You need a slicker brush, a pin brush, and a comb. What’s more, you can get a deshedding tool for best results. I think the best brush for Poodles is the Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush.
Click here to get one from Amazon.
Click here to get one from Chewy.
Types of brushes for Poodles
There are many types of grooming brushes. Wondering which ones are best suited for Poodles? You are sure to do well with the following varieties.
Slicker brushes
Slicker brushes are useful tools for almost any dog. If you have a Poodle, you can still buy one of these brushes. Fine wire bristles easily pass through the coats of Poodles but do not cause discomfort or irritation. In addition, these brushes are suitable for removing mats.
Pin brushes
These tools are similar to human hairbrushes. They have big heads and metal pins. They are suitable for detangling smaller knots and removing dirt from the coat.
Shedding brushes
Poodles don’t shed too much. However, if you purchase such a grooming tool, you can further minimize the fur on your furniture and carpet. These types of brushes have metal teeth to collect loose fur from your Poodle’s coat.
If you have a Poodle, be sure to consider buying a comb. Although the combs are not brushes, I still find it important to mention them. These are very useful tools for grooming Poodles’ coats.
There is another popular type of brush, the undercoat rake. These are very useful brushes for dogs with a double coat. Since the Poodles are not like that, it is unnecessary to buy such a grooming tool for them.
What to look for when choosing the best brush for Poodles?
You will need the brushes mentioned above for the procedure. The tools need to be sturdy and durable as the Poodles have fairly thick coats. Neglect small and medium-sized combs. You will need something larger.
There are double-sided brushes. These can be very useful, but only if both sides are of equally good quality.
Since you’re going to spend a relatively large amount of time brushing your Poodle, a comfortable grip is also important. In my list, I tried to look for products that felt good to hold in the hand.
Types of Poodle coats
You probably know that Poodles have curly, rough coats. These coats get matted and tangled easily. But there are some variations between which some differences can be discovered. I’m writing about these now.
Curly coats
If you let your Poodle’s coat grow, it will be long, curly, and wiry. This type of coat requires significant maintenance and grooming. Daily brushing is probably mandatory. You need to pay special attention to the areas around the ear and collar.
Corded coats
As I mentioned, mats easily form on Poodle coats. If we don’t brush these out but separate them into small sections, the coat will be “corded”. Some people like this Poodle look, but grooming such dogs requires a much bigger energy investment. Cords are difficult to clean and maintain.
Clipped coats
Clipped coats make your job easier in the sense that there is no need for everyday brushing. Even so, the Poodles ’fur grows very quickly, so you often have to go to a groomer. Of course, you can get a Poodle clipper yourself. This can save you a lot of time and money, but you need to learn how to use it properly.
Important tips for brushing your Poodle
If you’ve gotten this far by reading my article, you’re probably guessing which brushes you’re going to buy for your Poodle. However, the hard part of the work begins now. Grooming the Poodles is not easy. Here are some tips that can make life easier for you and your puppy.
Frequent brushing
If you want to get the best out of your Poodle’s coat, I recommend brushing several times a week. This may seem tiring at first. Try frequent small brushing sessions. These will also be less annoying and uncomfortable for your dog, and you won’t feel like you’re having a hard time. Believe me, in a few weeks you will also see that you save a lot of time and energy with frequent brushing.
Gentle strokes
You won’t be able to brush your Poodle’s coat in one go. This is because the coat of these dogs is too coarse. Use small strokes instead. When your brush gets stuck, start the movement again. It takes patience, but it certainly won’t go otherwise. The fur on the dog’s back is the coarsest, so you might want to start grooming there.
Coat type
Be sure to avoid your Poodle having unkempt curly hair. Don’t want your dog to feel uncomfortable. And it’s not good for you to have an unclean dog in your household. If frequent brushing isn’t feasible for you, take your Poodle to a groomer. If your puppy’s fur is corded or clipped, you don’t have to deal with brushing several times a week.
Be patient
Be patient, don’t rush. Brush your dog slowly. Sudden rapid movements can cause discomfort. Not to mention that with impatience you can only make the tangles worse. With the slow brushing, you can find the hidden little knots that will be easier to handle afterward. Last but not least, your dog will also enjoy this kind of grooming better.
Check the fur for dirt
Although the Poodles’ fur is beautiful and special, there are a number of problems with it. One such problem is that various dirt, small objects can get stuck in it. In this case, mats can also form more easily. Once your dog has been outdoors, take a few minutes to check his coat.
Reward your Poodle
Rewarding and positive reinforcement always works. It is possible that your Poodle will get bored with brushing. He may also hate it outright. In this case, some encouragement will help. It could be some delicacy, love, or playtime. While brushing, praise the puppy constantly, and don’t forget the reward at the end of the procedure.
How to brush the hair of the Poodles
If you have the right tools, the success of grooming depends on the owner. This is even more true if a puppy is long-haired. The most important thing is not to pull your dog’s hair while combing.
Of course, loose hair needs to be removed from the coat, but if you pull on healthy hair, it can be painful. Sometimes you have to pull hard because of a tangle. In this case, keep your dog’s hair at the base. This will prevent pain and injury.
I hope the following video helps:
Frequently asked question about the best brush for Poodles
What is the best brush for a standard poodle?
You should use a slicker brush, a pin brush, and a comb for your Poodle’s grooming. My favourite slicker brush is the Hertzko Self-Cleaning Slicker Brush.
How often should I brush my poodle?
In general, it is worth brushing your Poodle at least 2-3 times a week. It can be more frequently, even daily. This will keep the mats and tangles in the coat to a minimum. In addition, brushing also has health benefits. It stimulates circulation and distributes natural oils.
Can I let my poodle air dry?
Air drying can increase the chances of tangles and mats forming. Therefore, you should prefer to blow dry your Poodle’s coat.
Do Poodles have undercoats?
No. Poodles only have top coats. Therefore, they are commonly considered hypoallergenic dogs. Still, their fur needs quite a bit of maintenance.
Do Poodles shed?
The Poodles don’t really shed their fur. This is why in many cases people with allergies can keep such dogs.
How to prevent a Poodle’s hair from Matting
Prevention is extremely important. Regular brushing helps eliminate mats at the source. Use a slicker brush 2-3 times a week. If you cannot handle the formed matting with this type of brush, use a pin brush or a rake.